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En Marche Movement and its Social Networks : Comparing the Facebook networks between the period of Presidential Election and Legislative Election


Sae Won Chung, Sae Won Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this article is explaining how La Républic en Marche (LREM) Party has made landslide victories over its Presidential Election and Legislative Election in 2017 by looking at LREM’s Facebook Network structures during these election periods. This article employed social network analysis as their methodology by using computer-aided programme called NodeXL. For theoretical framework, this article reviews the Network Theory of Power by Castells. This article found out Facebook was an effective tool for information diffusion when the party has a single candidate to support during the election. For the legislative election, Facebook was less effective social media platform by looking at the network structure. The results of this paper indicate that setting the sound information diffusion network could lead to establishment of political powers even though the political actor is a new comer to the field due to social media’s characteristic—two-way communication between the newsmakers and their audiences (public).


1. Literature Review
1.1 Network Theory
1.2 The social media’s role in world politics
1.3 Social Media and Social Movements on the Globe
2. Objective and Research Questions
3. Methodology
4. Results
5. Discussion—Revisiting Research Questions


  • Sae Won Chung Korea University
  • Sae Won Kim Catholic University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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