From Rabelais to Twitter… An exploratory study in the light of the illustrious
In the light of classical and creative writing methods in the works of illustrious authors, such as Rabelais, this study examines the impact of cyberlanguage on mediated communication situations in social digital environment.This work mobilizes a theoretical and methodological pluralism, a quantitative and typological approach and relies on a native digital data field on an online discussion forum, in the field of reality show. In support of the concepts of language, reduction of uncertainty, cyber-language, device, network, social bond, an exploratory study identifies elaborate and creative writing processes and establishes an enriched typology of cyberlanguage markers. The weight and concentration of cyberlanguage markers make it possible to identify a typology of cyberlanguage markers and to reveal in a dynamic of diffusion and co-construction on the web for the maintenance of the social bond.
De la langue au risque des SIC
Positionnement épistémologique et méthodologique
Pluralisme méthodologique et approche pluridisciplinaire
Forum de discussion en ligne, un RSN19, DISTIC relationnel.
Cyberlangue, une langue du troisième type ?
Cyberlangue, forme et système, jeu et réseau
Cyberlangue, un fort potentiel
Cyberlangue, coconstruction et notion de buvard
Cyberlangue, langue véritable
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