

Proximité de langue et confiance : Un modèle financier gagnant ?


Proximity of Language and Confidence: A Winning Financial Model?

Cornelia Caseau, Kouakou Kouame

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Subsequent to the deregulation of the markets in the 1990s, a bigger diversity of clients (Sheth & Shainesh, 2005), and a significant change in consumer behavior, the situation for numerous sectors, such as the bank sector, drastically changed and led to a crisis of confidence. To find a way out of this situation, certain financial organizations looked to improve their image by reinforcing customer-employee interaction and intensifying interpersonal relations (Berry, 1993). In this respect, the experience of the Austrian cooperative bank Raiffeisenlandesbank (RLB NÖ-Wien) could inspire microfinance. The bank provided specific linguistic and intercultural training for its staff working with a multi-ethnic population, and has bank branches with multi-language speaking employees in high immigration density districts. This managerial model could be of particular interest in the Ivory Coast given that the linguistic communication model upon which microfinance is based in the Ivory Coast has shown its limits with regard to an illiterate clientele or one with a poor level of French.


1. Introduction
2. Quelques éléments de contexte
3. Cadre théorique : La confiance comme un phénomène linguistique
3.1. Confiance et langue, un lien nécessaire dans les transactions banque-client
3.2. La circulation de la confiance dans l’environnement culturel ivoirien
4. Méthode de recueil et d’analyse des données
5. Résultats
a) Proximité de langue et confiance dans la communication de la RLB NÖ-Wien
b) Les vecteurs de confiance de la microfinance ivoirienne
c) Implications managériales
d) Attitude de la microfinance ivoirienne face à la question de la barrière linguistique
6. Conclusion


  • Cornelia Caseau Research Professor / Burgundy School of Business
  • Kouakou Kouame Research Professor / Université Alassane Ouattara


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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