

Automatic Society


Bernard Stiegler

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The digital allows all technological automatisms to be unified by implanting the producer into the consumer and through the production of all manner of sensors, actuators and related software. But the truly unprecedented aspect of digital unification is that it allows articulations between all these automatisms: technological, social, psychic and biological ― and this is the main point of neuro-marketing and neuro-economics. The context of the task of thinking conceived as therapeutic is one in which automatisms of all kinds are being technologically integrated by digital automatisms. The unique and very specific aspect of this situation is the way that digital tertiary retention succeeds in totally rearranging assemblages or montages of psychic and collective retentions and protentions. The challenge is to invert this situation by having an ars of hyper-control instead reach towards a new idea of dis-automatization that would arise from out of today’s dis-integrating automatization.


  • Bernard Stiegler Director / IRI, Centre Pompidou


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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