

La transmission à l’heure du brouillage des âges et des générations : Visite en terrain publicitaire


Advertising Communication and Generational Approach

Agnès Pecolo, Myriam Bahuaud

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Sermonizer children, Head of family’s teenagers, the advertisement products regularly failing adults and by that a weak transmission. The “kidult” together with the adult childish, the one of the “juvenile senior” or also the one of “tweens” which call for the redefinition of the childhood outlines, are all indicators of a muddle of ages, of life cycle and of the implementing generation in our contemporary societies and which the advertising exploites with pleasure. They question a society soaked of cult of youth, nostalgic and depressed. In this contribution, we concentrate on the way the advertisement in the years 2000, by the mean of classical models of generational differentiation and other more contemporary, plays with this confusion of borders and participates to the social construction of life ages.


Fondamentales interactions
Transmission et rapports de générations
⋅Des enfants donneurs de leçons et des ados chefs de famille
⋅Des enfants tyrans et des ados en crise
Transmission et cycles de la vie
⋅Adulescence et nostalgie de l’enfance: la régression en question
⋅L’adulte puéril: valorisation de la part d’enfance
⋅La nouvelle figure du vieux: promotion de la vieillesse juvénile
Transmission, entre héritages et projections
⋅Des Tweens aux seniors: Tous des ados
⋅Fragilisation des aînés et écrasement du temps
⋅Traversée des âges et des générations


  • Agnès Pecolo Professor / University of Bordeaux
  • Myriam Bahuaud Professor / University of Bordeaux


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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