

Persisting Educational Inequality in South Korea : Changes in the Meaning of College Education and Differentiated Educational Field


Andrew Ho Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Education, once a great equalizer has been lost its power to decrease the gap between the haves and have-nots. The meaning college education holds in South Korea changed over time and educational field differentiated accordingly. Once a scarce resource became a popular method people utilize, now turned into a new minimum. Depending on how people relate to the social boundary created by the meaning of college education, Koreans can be grouped into three categories: beneficiaries, alienated and oppressed, and wasted and excluded. Those who benefit are the ones using college education as one of the resources they have at their disposal. It is a toolkit guiding them with their life strategies. Majority of Koreans are alienated and oppressed by the meaning of college education they consolidated. Excluded are the ones incapable of pursuing college education thus wasted to the other side of the boundary and lost their place of existence in the mainstream educational field.


1. Forward
2. Researches on Education and Inequality
1) Traditional Models: Education and Social Mobility
2) Pierre Bourdieu’s Theory of Cultural Capital
3) Connecting the Field with Cultural Capital
3. Changes in the Meaning of College Education
1) 1950s∼1960s: College Education as a Scarce Resource and Literary Traditions
2) 1970s∼ 1980s, early 1990s: College Education as a Popular Method
3) After 1997 Foreign Exchange Crisis: College Education as the New Minimum
4. Differentiation of Educational Field
1) Beneficiaries with Toolkit
2) Alienated People under Oppression
3) Excluded and Wasted Humans
5. Conclusion


  • Andrew Ho Kim Ph.D. Candidate / Korea University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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