

Amazighité, oralité et territorialité


Amazighité, Orality and Territoriality

Ismail Mekkari

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



All scientists agree that Africa, the continent of the longest inhabitation, is the “Cradle of Humankind”. In this regard, the South African site of Swantkrans Cave, a World Heritage Site by Unesco, is considered the territory where Homo erectus, the “first” man stood up and walked, this is where the Man became bipedal. If I brought this idea to my status as researcher “Companies” and language and if I assemble these two fundamental changes “man up” that “works”, this is probably the first attempt to subscribe to the “territory” of the human vitality. This is also where the same man committed the first expression to identify themselves around fire and through the vis-à-vis orality of its environment. This paper aims to comprehend the political sociology of identity rather than the effects of the development of the sociology of complexity and the identity of complexity of imazeghen, by raising following issues: 1) orality and Amazighité 2) regionalization of Amazighité 3) Amazighité and territoriality 4) what is the communicative dimension of orality?


1. Oralite et Amazighite
2. Regionalisation de l' Amazighite
3. Amazighite et territorialite
4. La dimension communicationnelle de l'oralite 


  • Ismail Mekkari Professor / ISIC


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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