

특집: 새로운 도시시학을 위하여

조선 문인의 기록에 나타난 오사카, 교토 그리고 에도의 심상지리


Spiritual Geography of Osaka, Kyoto and Edo in Chosun’s Literary Class


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



After the 16th century’s japanese invasion, the main thoughts of literary class of Chosun on japanese culture in general was a lower and savage one. One of reasons of this underestimation is surely the feeling of Chosun’s literary class that the civilized people was forced to be through the savage period of their history. After the 17th century, Japan invited some high-class literary class to Japan so that the new relationship between Korea and Japan could be reestablished. But, armed strongly with their culturally superior feeling on that of Japan, Chosun’s literary class who went to Japan never succeeded to see the reality of Japan, that is, the progress of Japan. This article examines the concrete aspects of this “blindness” throughout the letters, formal reports and the informal sayings of this literary class who went to Japan so that this tragic history will never to be repeated again.


1. 머리말
2. 일본의 삼대 도시에 대한 조선 문인의 총괄적 인상
3. 조선 문인의 오사카 인식
4. 조선 문인의 교토 인식
5. 조선 문인의 에도 인식
6. 마무리


  • 심경호 Kyung-Ho Sim. 고려대학교 한문학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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