


현행 음악영상물 심의제도의 문제점과 개선방안


Problems and Improvements on the Current Music Video Rating System


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is conducted as part of a project to change the current “media products–oriented vertical regulation system” to “media product– oriented horizontal regulation system,” following a previous study. In the latter system, once media products have gone through a regulating institution, which can sufficiently consider the characteristic of the said products, they can be distributed through all other media without the imposition of additional regulation. The current music video rating system takes on a dualistic approach depending on media distribution. In case of a music video that will be distributed by media, except through broadcasting, the Korea Media Rating Board gives the rating. On the other hand, in case of a music video that will be distributed by broadcasting media, each broadcasting company gives a rating. In the latter case, a music video that has already received a rating does not have to be rated again if it will be distributed by other media such as the Internet. For the Korea Media Rating Board’s rating system, the concept of a music video is narrowly shaped by its contents and production or subject to be distributed. The rating procedure is fast-tracked for music videos unlike for other video types, but the rating standards and the effects are the same. For a broadcasting company’s rating system, there are three types of rating units, and one of them does not have any legal basis. The rating team is small, but the rating procedure takes 1–2 days. The rating standards and effects are the same as those for a normal broadcasting program. The current music video rating system has the following problems. In general, different rating systems are applied to a music video that is distributed through the broadcasting media and other media, and several institutions regulate the same music video repeatedly. With regard to the rating system of the Korea Media Rating Board, the problems include the narrowing rating system for the content and the subject of the production or distribution, the long period needed for legal processes and appeals, the rating system being implemented using the same standard for video products, and the failure of doing part rating or contentrating. With regard to the rating system of broadcasting business operators, the problems include broadcasting business operators’ rating practices that are not prescribed by laws, the broadcasting business operators’ performance of separate ratings for the same material, and Korea Communications Standards Commission’s post-reregulation. The following are the improvements in the current music video rating system, which reflect the characteristics of music videos. In general, the music video rating system should be based on “a prior voluntary regulation by a producer and a supportive post-regulation by a civilian institution.” During the maintenance of the current system, the Korea Media Rating Board should rate all the music videos in any form and shorten the period for the legal processes and appeals, as well as practice a part-rating system or a content-rating system. A broadcasting business operator should not give an “unqualified” decision, and the subject of the rating should be in accordance with the Korean Broadcasters Association or a similar institution. In addition, a post-regulation should be carried out by the Korea Media Rating Board. The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism announced its 2017 work plan, “promoting a policy to change the prior-rating system to a voluntary rating and post-management system.” The said work plan is in line with the fundamental improvements suggested by this study and should be welcomed.


현행 음악영상물 심의제도에는 문제점이 여럿 존재하는바, 전반적으로 는 방송매체로 유통을 시작하는 음악영상물과 그 외의 매체로 유통을 시작하는 음악영상물 간에 별도의 심의제도가 적용되는 점, 여러 주체에 의한 심의가 중복하여 이루어지고 있는 점 등이 문제이다. 영상물등급위 원회의 등급분류의 경우, 내용이나 제작ㆍ유통의 주체, 방송사업자의 등 급분류를 거쳤는지 여부에 따라서 심의 대상이 달라지고, 법정 처리기한 및 구제절차에 걸리는 기간이 길며, 비디오물과 동일한 기준과 방식으로 심의가 이루어지고 있고, 부분심의의 시행 및 내용등급의 활용이 되지 못하고 있어 문제이다. 방송사업자의 등급분류의 경우, 지상파 방송사업 자는 법률에 근거하지 않은 형태의 심의를 행하고 있고, 개개의 방송사 업자로 심의 주체가 분산되어 있으며, 방송통신심의위원회에 의한 사후 심의 역시 중첩적으로 행해지고 있어 문제이다. 음악영상물의 특성을 반영하여 개선방안을 제시해 보면, 전반적으로는 심의의 구조를 제작자의 사전 자율심의 및 단일한 민간기관의 보조적 사후심의로 통일시킬 필요가 있다. 현행 심의구조가 유지되는 동안에도 영상물등급위원회 등급분류의 경우 모든 형태의 음악영상물을 대상으로 삼을 필요가 있고, 법정 심의 기간을 단축시킬 필요가 있으며, 부분심의 방식과 내용등급제를 활용할 필요가 있다. 방송사업자 등급분류의 경우 법적 근거 없는 ‘방송 부적격’ 판정을 해서는 안 되며, 한국방송협회 등으로 심의 주체를 통일시킬 필요가 있고, 사후심의의 주체 역시 영상물 등급위원회로 함이 타당할 것이다.


Ⅰ. 들어가며
Ⅱ. 현행 음악영상물 심의제도
1. 개관
2. 영상물등급위원회의 등급분류
3. 방송사업자의 등급분류
Ⅲ. 현행 음악영상물 심의제도의 문제점
1. 현행 음악영상물 심의제도 전반
2. 영상물등급위원회 등급분류의 문제점
3. 방송사업자 등급분류의 문제점
Ⅳ. 현행 음악영상물 심의제도의 개선방안
1. 현행 음악영상물 심의제도 전반에 대한 개선방안
2. 영상물등급위원회의 등급분류에 대한 개선방안
3. 방송사업자의 등급분류에 대한 개선방안
Ⅴ. 나오며


  • 임효준 Im, Hyo-jun. 서울대학교 대학원 법학과 박사과정 / 방송통신위원회 공익법무관


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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