


재산권이론으로 본 퍼블리시티권의 특성에 관한 연구 : 인격권의 재산권화 경향을 중심으로


A Study on the Characteristics of the Right of Publicity Based on Property Theory


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



One of the biggest motives leading to humanity's economic development was the desire to own property. Through wealth accumulation by the increase in goods, countries and individuals were able to achieve new prosperity. One resulting problem is the establishment of the property rights of all members of society, a matter of primary concern to property researchers and society members. A variety of property types and efficient allocation of resources have resulted from the establishment of private property rights. The right of publicity is the right of an individual to protect his or her name, likeness, signature, photograph, voice, and other distinctive characteristics from non-authorized commercial use by others. In the United States, this right has been developed while distinguishing the concept of the right of property from that of privacy since the early 1950s. The right of publicity was first recognized in the Haelan Case and is now largely protected by state common or statutory law. After this decision, most courts and many state legislatures in the U.S. recognized the right of publicity as independent of the right of privacy. Therefore, the right of publicity is not a moral right, but a property right. Recently in South Korea, due to the radical development of popular entertainment, professional sports, and advertising, many cases involve the use of names or likenesses of famous people for advertisement. The legal concept of right of publicity is relatively new in South Korea. About 25 years ago, affected by the U.S. entertainment law cases, the Korean legal society began to theorize the concept of right of publicity. Finally, the lower courts of Korea approved the right of publicity, although there has been no ruling from the Supreme Court, and no specific statute provisions have been established. According to the Korean lower court’s rulings, the right of publicity is an exclusive property right independent from the traditional right of privacy. It is a property right to use the name, image, or any other identity of a person for commercial purpose and to control the use thereof. The courts have ruled that the right of publicity can be transferred and inherited. Not only a living person, but also a dead person has the right of publicity, which is protected for 50 years from the date of death. In Korea, there have been many cases where celebrities and sports stars claim their rights of publicity against various types of unauthorized commercial exploitation of their identity. In this respect, the controversial nature of the right of publicity is connected with the question of establishment of the right of publicity. The most important issue regarding the right of publicity is how to create new types of property rights rather than only defining the right of publicity as a personality right, intellectual property right, or property right. The purpose of this paper is how to regulate the right of publicity and what is desirable for its creation based on property theory and ideological, economical, and legal approaches. Also, this concentrates on the change in the modern property system that individual identity or personality rights are transformed into property rights.


인류의 경제 발전을 이끈 가장 큰 동기 중 하나는 재산권 추구의 욕망이었다. 재화의 증가를 통한 부의 축적을 통해 개인은 물론 국가는 새로운 번영을 이룰 수 있었다. 재산권을 어떻게 설정하느냐의 문제는 재산권 연구자들뿐만 아니라 사회의 모든 구성원들이 관심을 갖는 사안이다. 인류는 사적재산권의 확립을 통해 자원의 효율적 배분을 이루어 왔고 다양한 재산권 유형을 발전시켜 왔다. 이러한 관점에서 퍼블리시티권에 대한 논란의 본질은 퍼블리시티권이란 재산권을 어떻게 설정하느냐의 문제와 연결된다. 퍼블리시티권이 인격권이냐 재산권이냐 혹은 지식재산권이냐의 규정보다는 다양한 형태의 재산권을 어떻게 설정할 것이냐가 보다 중요한 문제의식이라 생각된다. 본 연구는 재산권 개념의 사상적․경제적․법적 측면을 포괄적으로 접근하여 새로운 유형의 재산권인 퍼블리시티권이 어떻게 설정되는 것이 바람직한 것인지에 대해 재산권 이론의 시각을 차용하여 살펴보려고 한다. 또한 개인의 동일성 내지 인격적 특성이 재산적 가치로 변화되는 현대 재산권 체계의 변화에도 주목하고자 한다.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 퍼블리시티권의 성립과 발전
1. 미국
2. 독일
3. 우리나라
Ⅲ. 재산권이론의 특성과 확장가능성
1. 문제제기
2. 로크와 맥퍼슨의 접근
3. 거래비용적 접근
4. 재산권 이론의 이해29)와 그 확장가능성
Ⅳ. 인격권의 재산권화 경향
1. 인격권의 재산권화 경향
2. 인격권의 재산권으로의 전환가능성
3. 재산권이론으로 본 퍼블리시티권의 의미
Ⅴ. 결론


  • 박기주 Park, Ki-ju. 국가과학기술연구회 연구원, 법학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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