

연구 논문

디지털 사회, 뒤르케임, 그리고 부의 불평등


Digital Society, Durkheim, and Wealth Inequality


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The objective of this study is to propose the necessity of introducing Durkheim's ideas in addition to Marx and Weber's perception on economic inequality in the digital society. Moreover, the study introduces unequal distribution of wealth as a new approach to economic inequality in the digital society. In circumstance where unequal distribution of wealth condenses and regenerates, we need to think about how should we look at unequal distribution of wealth (perception), why this phenomenon emerged (cause), and how should we response to the phenomenon (alternative proposal). That is to say, Marx and Weber's approach is still effective in analyzing causes, however, it has limited explanation for economic inequality in the digital society. Durkheim's theory provides three insights on economic inequality in the digital society. Firstly, it provides a whole new perception to look at economic inequality in the digital society. Durkheim views social phenomena caused by economic inequality in the digital society, such as deviations and crimes, by using the concept of 'social facts.' At the same time, he proposes that there's mutual relationship between individuals and the society. He also finds causes for economic inequality in division of labors and anomic suicides. He believes that alternatives for social inequality in the digital society are 'moral individualism' and 'organic solidarity,' respectively social psychologically and social structurely. Consequently, in studying unequal distribution of wealth, expanded form of economic inequality in the digital society, Durkheim's theories are also effective and applicable in addition to Marx and Weber's.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 경제 불평등에 대한 관점 : 맑스와 베버를 중심으로
2.1 맑스(K. Marx)의 경제 불평등
2.2 베버(M. Weber)의 경제 불평등
Ⅲ. 뒤르케임의 입장에서 본 경제 불평등
3.1 경제 불평등을 바라보는 시각의 차원에서-일탈의 비정상성, ‘사회적 사실’
3.2 경제 불평등의 원인과 현상의 차원에서-아노미적 분업과 아노미적 자살
3.3 경제 불평등에 대한 대안의 차원에서-‘도덕적개인주의’와 ‘유기적 연대’의 구축
Ⅳ. 우리나라 부의 불평등 현황
4.1 디지털 사회에서의 부의 개념
4.2 디지털 사회에서의 부의 특성
4.3 우리나라 부의 불평등 현황
Ⅴ. 뒤르케임과 우리나라 부의 불평등
5.1 일탈의 비정상성, ‘사회적 사실’로부터의 논의
5.2 ‘아노미적 분업’과 ‘아노미적 자살’로부터의 논의
5.3 ‘도덕적 개인주의’와 ‘유기적 연대’의 구축으로부터의 논의
Ⅵ. 결론


  • 이상붕 Lee Sang-Boong. 연세대학교 고령화사회융복합연구센터 연구교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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