

Spreading Online Rumors : The Effects of Negative and Positive Emotions




Malicious rumors often emerge online. However, few studies have examined why people spread online rumors. Recognizing that spreading online rumors is not only rational, but also emotional, this paper provides insights into the behavior of online rumor spreading using the cognitive emotion theory. The results show that perceived credibility of online rumors enhances both positive and negative emotions. However, positive emotions affect neither attitude nor behavior, whereas negative emotions affect both aspects of the spreading of online rumors. The results also indicate that prior positive attitude toward object influences negative emotions. Issues involvement moderates the relationship between attitude and behavior.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Literature Review
2.1. Definitions of Rumors and Online Rumors
2.2. Factors Affecting the Spread of Rumors
Ⅲ. Theoretical Development
Ⅳ. Research Methods
4.1. The Sample Rumor
4.2. The Survey Instruments
4.3. Sample Demographics
Ⅴ. Results
5.1. Measurement Model Analyses
5.2. Structural Model Analyses
Ⅵ. Discussion
6.1. Implications for Research
6.2. Implications for Practice
6.3. Limitations
Ⅶ. Conclusion


  • Jong-Hyun Kim Ph.D., Korea Investment Partners Co., Korea
  • Gee-Woo Bock Professor, Business School, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
  • Rajiv Sabherwal Professor, Sam M. Walton College of Business, University of Arkansas, USA
  • Han-Min Kim Ph.D. Candidate, Business School, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea


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