

쌍백당 이세화의 생애와 『쌍백당집』 간행 경위 고찰


Life of Ssangbaekdang Lee Se-hwa and Process of Publishing 'Ssangbaekdang-jip'


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article focuses on the of Ssangbaekdang Lee Se-hwa(1630∼1701) who was persecuted by submitting the Sangso (a statement to tell the king of certain event), together with Park Tae-bo(1654∼1689) and Oh Du-in(1624∼1689), in April of the Year of Gisa(1689), that pleaded not to dethrone Inhyeon Wanghu (Queen Inhyeon) as well as his literature collection of 'Ssangbaekdang-jip'. At first, after briefly looking into his life, his personality that earned high esteem of the day was confirmed through his poetry works and a story that demonstrated his life in three aspects of honor, integrity and benevolence. The ‘honor’ came from the fact that he pleaded his opposition of dethroning of Inhyeon Wanghu with his Sangso as well as taking Ssangbaekdang as his Jaho (personally named pen-name). The ‘integrity’ could be confirmed from the fact that he was elected as the Yeomgeunri (a greed-free government employee with character of integrity during his service period) in 1695. ‘Benevolence’ could be affirmed from the evaluation of people on the personality of Lee Se-hwa by his generous behavior to inspire people in Nam Gu-man and even the other ethnic people under the severe environment and circumstances during the Gapjasahaeng(1684). Next, the history of literature collection of Lee Se-hwa, 'Ssangbaekdang-jip', is contemplated for its publishing. Lee Se-hwa did not represent himself as a literary man and he always thought that Korea had too many literature collections as its ill effect that he frequently discarded the ones he wrote during the normal times that there is no many poetry writings available today. However, lee Jeong-jin, the first son of Lee Se-hwa who was the figure that had enhanced reputation for the event occurred in the year of Gisa(1684) and led the emergence of Bupyeong Lee Clan and nephew, Lee Jeong-jae(1670∼1737) who considered publishing the literature collection would be a tribute for Lee Se-hwa and they promoted the compilation and publishing of the literature collection. 'Ssangbaekdang-jip' was published twice in 1721 (printed book) when Lee Jeong-je was serving as the Governor of Hongju and 1723 (wooden imprint book) as the governor of Gyeongsang-do. Through the history of publishing 'Ssangbaekdang-jip', it is possible to glimpse over a series of situation and trend related to publishing of literature collection in the first part of 18th century.


본고는 기사년(1689) 4월 박태보(1654∼1689), 오두인(1624∼1689)과 더불어 숙종에게 인현왕후를 폐위하는 일이 불가함을 극간하는 상소를 올려 화를 입은 쌍백당 이세화(1630∼1701)의 인품과 그의 문집 『쌍백당집』의 간행 경위에 대해 고찰한 글이다. 먼저 그의 삶을 간단히 살펴 본 후 당대에 칭송받은 그의 인품을 절개ㆍ청렴ㆍ인의 세 가지 측면에서 그것을 확인할 수 있는 일화와 그의 시를 통해 확인해 보았다. ‘절개’는 인현왕후 폐위에 반대하는 상소를 올린 사실과 쌍백당을 자호로 삼은 것에서, ‘청렴’은 그가 관직에서 물러났을 때에는 몸소 농사를 지었던 삶의 태도와 1695년 염근리로 선발된 것에서, ‘인의’는 갑자사행(1684) 당시 혹독한 환경과 상황 속에서 남구만과 이민족까지 감동시킨 인자한 행실에서 이세화의 인품에 대한 세간의 평가를 재차 확인할 수 있었다. 다음으로 이세화의 문집인 『쌍백당집』의 간행 경위를 고찰하였다. 이세화는 자신을 문인으로 자처하지도 않았고, 늘 우리나라에 문집이 너무 많은 것을 병폐로 여겨 평소에 읊은 것을 번번이 버렸던 탓에 보존되어 있는 시문은 많지 않았다. 하지만 기사년(1684)의 일로 명망이 높아진 인물이자 부평이씨의 중흥을 이끈 이세화의 문집을 간행하는 것을 도리라 여긴 장남 이정진과 조카 이정제(1670∼1737)가 문집의 편찬과 간행을 추진하였다. 『쌍백당집』은 이정제가 홍주목사로 있던 1721년(활자본)과 경상도관찰사로 있던 1723년(목판본) 두 차례에 걸쳐 간행되었다. 『쌍백당집』의 간행 경위를 통해 18세기 초반의 문집 간행과 관련된 일련의 상황과 추세를 일부 엿볼 수 있었다.


1. 서론
2. 쌍백당 이세화의 삶과 그의 인품
3. 『쌍백당집』의 간행 경위
4. 결론


  • 이황진 Lee, Hwang-jin. 단국대학교 국어국문학과 연구전담 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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