


다양한 온도에서 자기연마법을 이용한 마이크로 직경의 STS304 Bar 표면 가공


Machining Surface of Microscale-Diameter STS 304 bar by Magnetic Abrasive Finishing at Various Temperatures

박남준, 강파

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A magnetic abrasive finishing process was proposed for improving the surface accuracy of microscale -diameter STS 304 bar used in many applications such as, medical, aerospace, and nuclear industries. Most of the previous research has already explored the conventional finishing technique to improve the accuracy of material in terms of the surface roughness. However, their results are still not good enough for the requirement in the today’s engineering industry. Especially, when the workpiece is a material of microscale-diameter, use of such conventional processes becomes impossible because they entail the application of high pressures that may damage the surface to be finished. Moreover, less control is available over these conventional finishing processes. In this study, an ultra-high-precision magnetic abrasive finishing process was applied to the precision machining of microscale-diameter STS 304 bar and the experimental work are performed with many critical parameters such as, different workpiece revolution speeds, abrasive grain sizes, different finishing temperatures, and pole vibrations. The results showed that in The initial surface roughness of 0.20 µm (Ra) was decreased to 0.025 µm with 0.5 µm of abrasive grain size and pole vibration 12Hz at 40,000 rpm.


1. 서론
2. 실험 장치 및 방법
2.1 실험 장치
2.2 실험 방법
3. 실험 결과 및 분석
3.1 회전 속도에 따른 가공 특성
3.2 자극 진동수에 따른 가공 특성
3.3 연마재 입자크기에 따른 자기연마 가공ㆍ특성
3.4 가공 온도에 따른 자기연마 가공ㆍ특성 
4. 결론


  • 박남준 Nam-Jun Park. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Chonbuk National University
  • 강파 Jiang Bo. Member, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Chonbuk National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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