


인공지능 시대 소비자 보호 이념의 수정


Rethinking and Restructuring on the Consumer Protection Pattern in the Artificial Intelligence Scenario

진병, 조청

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



China is undergoing a transition from “producer society” to “consumer society”. The development and application of artificial intelligence technology has had a subversive impact on the production structure and daily trading patterns of the traditional economy. The distribution of factors, the production and consumption of commodities have shifted from “one-way bureaucratic” to “interactive flatness”, from centralization to decentralization, the structural weakness of consumers is improving, the connotation is being updated, and the behavior and mode are being reconstructed. The consumer credit system which consumption data is regarded as the core constitutes become the cornerstone of the development of the production and consumption activities in the artificial intelligence scene. Therefore, it is necessary to update the concept of consumer protection, promote the protection model, reconstruct the protection path, and adjust the tilt configuration of the current consumer protection. Consumer protection should move from tilt protection to integration balance protection, from one-way protection to multi-dimensional and overall system protection. At the same time, we are supposed to promote the scientific and legal development of the consumer society based on the consumer credit system. The artificial intelligence economy enables consumers to become active market participants from the end of production and consumption in the traditional market. The prototype of artificial intelligence economic format has begun to take shape. Consumer-centered production and operation activities are becoming more and more common, which blur the boundaries between operators and consumers. The identity structure of the subject tends to be complicated. Consumers and operators continue to share relevant data and information, which greatly enhances the position of consumers in market transactions. The weak positioning of consumers has been greatly improved, and the dominant position of consumers is shaping. The relative market structure of consumers and operators is quietly developing and changing. From the past opposition or even the confrontation mode to cooperation and even the integration model, they have formed a community of interests and a community of destiny. As a high-level form of deep development of the digital economy, the artificial intelligence economy, accompanied by the integration of information technology and data technology, has substantially influenced and tried to subvert the current production and consumption activities under the impetus of the continuous development of operation technology. Combined with the new solution to the legal positioning of consumers in the artificial intelligence scene, it is necessary to accelerate the transformation of consumer protection concepts, improve the protection mode of new “Consumer Protection Law”, and reconstruct the consumer protection rationale. The design and implementation of the Consumer Basic Law in the future should focus on consumer behavior, integrate the balanced protection of the legitimate interests of consumers and operators, completely get rid of the prejudice of “consumer natural weakness”, scientifically and rationally allocate the proportion of rights and obligations between consumers and operators, correct the tendency of consumers to misuse and abuse rights, and clarify the obligations and responsibilities of consumers. While stimulating and supporting consumers to actively exercise various rights, we will guide and nurture consumers to earnestly assume corresponding obligations and responsibilities, and establish a basic consumer legal system based on the consumer credit system as soon as possible. The artificial intelligence technology and industrialization development have brought subversive effects to the production and consumption field, and it is likely to achieve another singular development in the evolution of human society. From the current development, artificial intelligence technology and industrialization have at least profoundly changed the traditional mode of production and consumption. In the artificial intelligence scenario, the legal positioning of consumers has undergone major changes, the consumer’s dominant position is strengthening, and the rights and obligations are updated, such as consumer data security rights, data forgotten rights, data portability rights and other emerging rights, at the same time, consumer behavior and patterns have also changed, which pose a challenge to the current government-led one-way tilted consumer rights protection. In particular, the production and elimination process in the artificial intelligence scenario built on the core of consumer data highlights the authenticity and reliability, diversity and specificity, extensiveness and usefulness of consumer behavior and its data, which are key values and important roles in the R&D, production and operation links. This led to the reflection and review of the tilt protection model stipulated in the new “Consumer Protection Law”. Since March 15, 2014, the implementation of the new “Consumer Protection Law” has achieved the timely maintenance of the rights and interests of consumers engaged in online transactions, but it has also caused many problems, in particular, there is no strong binding clause on the exercise of the system of regret. In addition to increasing transaction costs, the defect of this system has also experienced misuse and abuse, which disrupt the normal trading order of the market and undermine the authenticity and reliability of consumer data. This not only damages the legitimate interests of the operators in their normal production and operation, but also affects the legitimate interests of other consumers and groups. What is more, it will inhibit the cultivation and promotion of the autonomy of consumers and groups. To this end, it is necessary to combine the new changes in the legal positioning of consumers, from the internal and external dimensions, focusing on the integration of consumer positioning and the integrity of consumer data under the new situation and new scene, so as to update the concept of consumer protection in a timely manner, innovate the consumer protection model, and reconstruct the consumer protection path. In the end, it is possible to realize the transition from tilt protection to integration balance protection, from one-way protection to multi-dimensional and overall system protection, and effectively promote the scientific and legal construction and development of the “consumer society”.


중국은 “생산자 사회”에서 “소비자 사회”로 전변하고 있다. 인공지능기술의 개발과 응용은 전통적인 생산-소비 모델을 전복하였다. 생산요소의 배분, 상품 의 생산과 소비는 “단방향 수직형”에서 “양방향 수평형”으로 변화되고 있다. 인 공지능의 활용은 소비 활동에 관한 데이터를 기반으로 한다. 이러한 상황에서 소비자의 행태는 변화되고 있고, 소비자의 구조적 열등한 지위는 변화되고 있 고, 소비자 권리의 함의는 역시 변화되고 있다. 따라서 소비자를 약자로 보호 하는 후견주의적 보호 이념은 갱신될 필요가 있다. 후견주의적 보호 모델에서 균형적·다원적·체계적 보호 모델로 추진하는 것이 바람직할 것이다. 인공지능경제는 소비자를 피동적인 소비 역할에서 벗어나서 능동적인 시장 참여자로서 활동할 수 있게 하였다. 소비자 맞춤형 생산활동은 점점 보급되고 있다. 소비자와 사업자 사이의 경계선은 모호해지고 있다. 소비자와 사업자의 정보 공유에 따라 거래 관계에서 소비자의 지위는 높아지고 있으며, 시장 활동 주체 신분의 식별은 점점 복잡해지고 있다. 이러한 상황에서 소비자의 구조적 열세 지위는 개선되고 있고, 소비자의 주권적 지위는 형성되고 있다. 소비자와 사업자의 지위 격차는 완화되고 있다. 결국, 소비자와 사업자는 적대적 관계가 아니라 이익의 공동체가 되어가고 있다. 인공지능의 시나리오를 감안하여 소비자 보호 이념을 수정할 필요가 있다. 나중에 소비자기본법을 제정과 시행할 때 소비자가 당연히 열세 지위에 있다 는 선입견을 수정하여 소비자와 사업자 이익의 균형 보호를 중시할 필요가 있 다. 물론 소비자를 자기의 활동에 대하여 스스로 책임을 지는 이성적인 소비자 로 육성하는 조치가 필요하며 소비자 신용 체계의 구축도 필요할 것이다. 그리고 인공지능의 시나리오 하에서 새로운 소비자 권리와 의무가 나타나고 있다. 예를 들면, 소비자 정보 안전권, 정보 삭제권, 정보 이동권 등이 제기되고 있고, 소비자의 행태는 역시 예전과 다른 모습으로 나타나고 있다. 특히, 인공지능기술의 연구·개발은 소비 정보의 진실성, 다양성 등을 기초로 하는데 소비자의 행동은 다시 생산활동에 영향을 미칠 것이다. 이 모든 변화가 정부의 후견주의적 보호 방법을 도전하고 있다. 새로 개정된 중국 “소비자보호법”에서 소비자 철회권 조항을 도입하였는데 철회권의 행사에 아무 제한 조건도 없어서 철회권의 남용문제를 초래하였다. 소비자 철회권의 남용은 공정한 거래질서를 방해하고 소비 정보의 진실성과 신빙성에 악영향을 미칠 수 있다. 결과적으로 사업자의 이익과 다른 소비자의 이익은 모두 침해될 것이다. 더 나아가 이러한 현상은 소비자의 자율적 생장에 도 불리할 것이다. 따라서 소비자 보호 이념을 다시 생각할 필요가 있다. 후견 적 보호를 균형적 보호, 다원적 보호, 체계적 보호로 전환하는 것이 바람직할 것이다.


我国正由“生产者社会”向“消费者社会”转型. 人工智能技术的开发和利用 对传统经济的生产组织结构和日常交易模式产生了颠覆性影响. 要素的配 给、商品的生产及消费由过去的“单向科层式”向“互动扁平化”转向,从中 心化走向去中心化. 消费者结构性弱势地位正在改善,其权义内涵正在更 新,其行为及模式正在重构,其中以消费数据为核心的消费信用体系构 成了人工智能场景下生产消费活动展开的基石. 为此,需更新消费者保护 理念,革新保护模式,重构保护理路,调整现行消费者保护的倾斜配置. 从倾斜保护走向融合平衡保护,从单向保护转向多元协同保护和整体系 统保护. 推动以消费信用体系为基础的“共建共治共享”的消费者社会的科 学化与法治化发展.


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 인공지능 환경에서 소비자 지위의 변화
Ⅲ. 인공지능 환경에서 소비자 보호 이념의 수정
Ⅳ. 맺음말


  • 진병 Chen, Bing. 중국남개대학교 백명청년학과선구자, 법대교수
  • 조청 Zhao, Qing


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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