

A Study on the Effect of Pair Check Cooperative Learning in Operating System Class



In the 4th Industrial Revolution, the competitiveness of the software industry is important, and as a solution to fundamentally secure the competitiveness of the software industry, education classes should be provided to educate high quality software personnel in educational institutions. Despite this social situation, software-related classes in universities are largely composed of competitive or individual learning structures. Cooperative learning is a learning model that can complement the problems of competitive and individual learning. Cooperative learning is more effective in improving academic achievement than individual or competitive learning. In addition, most learners have the advantage of having a more desirable self-image by having a successful experience. In this paper, we apply a pair check model, which is a type of cooperative learning, in operating system classes. In addition, the class procedure and instruction plan are designed to apply the pair check model. We analyze the test results to analyze the performance of the cooperative learning model.


1. Introduction
2. Related Work
3. Cooperative Learning in Operating System Class
3.1 Operating System Class
3.2 Pair Check Cooperative Model
3.3 Lesson Goals
3.4 Class procedure
3.5 Instruction Plan
4. Effect of the Cooperative Learning Model
5. Conclusion


  • Woochang Shin Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Seokyeong University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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