

A Comparative Analysis on the Death Toll and the Number of Cremators Using E-Haneul Funeral Information System and Cremation Rate in the Whole Nation Metropolitan Cities



In the study, we show the six metropolitan cities, Incheon Metropolitan City had the highest annual average rate(3.2%) of the death toll, from 2011 to 2018, and the overall annual average rise rate was 2.6%. Also, the annual average rise rate of the number of cremators using E-Haneul funeral information system, Gwangju Metropolitan City had the highest rate(7.6%) and the overall annual average rise rate was 5.6%. The annual average rise rate of the cremation rate, Gwangju Metropolitan City had the highest rate(2.8%) and the overall annual average rise rate was 1.9%. Focusing on the actual state shown in the results of this study above, the policy measures for improving the efficiency of supply & demand policy of funeral facilities in six metropolitan cities in the whole nation could be suggested as follows. First, expanding the supply of cremation facilities in consideration of the installation period of cremation facilities. Second, given the increase in the number of cremators using E-Haneul Funeral Information System, it is necessary to expand the infrastructure for meeting the demand of using funeral facilities, such as enshrinement facilities of ash and natural burial sites. Third, in such metropolitan cities, it is difficult to resolve a conflict of location with local residents who recognize cremation facilities as unpleasant facilities. Therefore, it is necessary to devise and implement a plan for improving local residents awareness of cremation facilities and resolving the conflict of location in diversified ways. Fourth, it is predicated that Busan and Daegu Metropolitan City will face a lack of supply of cremation facilities in a short time due to the increased demand for them. Therefore, in order to meet the demand for cremation, it is necessary to construct more cremation furnaces in current cremation facilities or to jointly use and expand cremation facilities with their neighboring local government.


1. Introduction
2. The current status of the death toll and the number of cremators using E-Haneul funeral information system and the cremation rate in the metropolitan cities
3. The death toll estimate by metropolitan cities
4. Comparative analysis on the death toll and the number of cremators using E-Haneul funeral information system and the cremation rate by metropolitan cities
4.1 Incheon Metropolitan City
4.2 Busan Metropolitan City
4.3 Daegu Metropolitan City
4.4 Daejeon Metropolitan City
4.5 Gwangju Metropolitan City
4.6 Ulsan Metropolitan City
5. Comprehensive Analysis Results
6. Conclusion


  • Jae Sil Choi Professor, Department of Mortuary Science, Eulji University, Professor, Korea
  • Yun Ju Nam phD Student, Department of Policy Science, Hanyang University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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