

Memory Design for Artificial Intelligence



Artificial intelligence (AI) is software that learns large amounts of data and provides the desired results for certain patterns. In other words, learning a large amount of data is very important, and the role of memory in terms of computing systems is important. Massive data means wider bandwidth, and the design of the memory system that can provide it becomes even more important. Providing wide bandwidth in AI systems is also related to power consumption. AlphaGo, for example, consumes 170 kW of power using 1202 CPUs and 176 GPUs. Since more than 50% of the consumption of memory is usually used by system chips, a lot of investment is being made in memory technology for AI chips. MRAM, PRAM, ReRAM and Hybrid RAM are mainly studied. This study presents various memory technologies that are being studied in artificial intelligence chip design. Especially,MRAM and PRAM are commerciallized for the next generation memory. They have two significant advantages that are ultra low power consumption and nearly zero leakage power. This paper describes a comparative analysis of the four representative new memory technologies.


1. Introduction
2. Memory technology
3. Memory technology in AI
4. Conclusion


  • Doosan Cho Professor, Department of electronic engineering, Sunchon National University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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