

Strategies for Deriving Strategic Products to Enter the Dementia Industry on SMEs-Focused on AHP Analysis



Many SMEs are interested in entering the dementia industry as the national dementia responsibility system begins in earnest. However, it is ambiguous about which technology and field to enter, and accordingly, it is impossible to make a quick judgment and misses the time to enter the market. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to provide a simple but clear information to many SMEs in this situation, which products and related technologies will be able to help product development and market entry in the dementia prevention and diagnosis technology market more easily. In this regard, I would like to suggest the direction through hierarchical analysis (AHP) through conducting with a group of experts who can make professional judgments about the development of dementia medical technology, including the four-year university senior welfare department, nurses, directors and directors of long-term care institutions, medical device workers and experts' opinions on what sectors SMEs can most effectively apply to product development to enter the dementia market.


1. Introduction
2. Study Method
3. Results
3.1 Survey Respondents' Analysis
3.2 Significance of the Analysis
3.3 Tier 1 Results Analysis
3.4 Dementia Prevention Technology
3.5 Dementia diagnosis (monitoring) technology
4. Discussions and Conclusion


  • Tae Gyu Yu Associate Professor, Department of Geriatric Welfare, Namseoul University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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