

A Case Study on Partnership Types between Network Operators & Netflix : Based on Corporate Investment Model



We categorize partnership types between network operators and a global video streaming or over-the-top service provider, Netflix from 2011 to the first quarter 2018. The options are based on the integration of over-the-top (OTT), Netflix with pay TV and telecommunication operators in the form of carrier billing, access to over-the-top (OTT) via devices or the development of their tariff plans. Options of the Type 3, ‘cooperation’ or the Type 4, ‘agreement’ entails a kind of the technical involvement between two partners and commercial agreement. The types of partnership are evolving from one to others. Some partnerships have characteristics of more than one type. The majority of technical or service integration cooperation of Type 3 entail bundling and marketing promotion of Type 2 and Type 1. Similarly, the ‘agreement’ of Type 4, co-branded or white-label service initiative entail tariff or device user interface (UI) integration of the ‘cooperation’ of Type 3 and joint marketing initiatives of Type 1.


1. Introduction
2. Theoretical background
2.1 Previous Researches
2.2 Theoretical Background
3. Research design
3.1 Research question
3.2 Methodology
4. Results and discussion
4.1 Marketing deals between network operators and Netflix
4.2 Bundling deals between network operators and Netflix
4.3 Cooperation deals between network operators and Netflix
4.4 Agreement deals between network operators and Netflix
5. Conclusion


  • Song, Minzheong Assistant Professor, Department of Media Communication and Advertising, Hansei University, Korea


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