

V2X Technology Trends for Next-Generation Mobility



We describes V2X technology, a connectivity-based recognition technology that is attracting attention as a key technology for implementing autonomous driving technology, and autonomous communication modules that implement ADAS technology, a sensor-based recognition technology. It also explains the trends in V2X technology standardization centered on IEEE 802.11p, which is a WAVE technology standard based on Wi-Fi/DSRC. Finally, we will discuss the market growth trend of V2X communication modules in the United States, the leading V2X technology module, and the development of technology development trends of major domestic and international companies that are leading the global technology market related to V2X communication modules. V2X and ADAS technologies will be the biggest influence on automotive purchasing decisions. In recent years, V2I mandates have been promoted beyond V2V, mainly in developed countries such as the United States. The related industry needs to focus on the development of information transmission network technology that can support high frequency high efficiency(transmission rate) and sophisticated positioning accuracy beyond conventional vehicle communication.


1. Introduction
2. V2X Technology Standardization Trends
3. V2X Technology Market Trends
3.1 V2X Communication Module Growth Trend of U.S.
3.2 Corporate Trends related to V2X Communication Modules
3.3 LiDAR Market Growth Trends for Vehicles
4. Conclusion


  • Young-Hak Kim KEIT(Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology), Research Fellow, Korea


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