

Prototypicality and Markedness in the English Passive


Jing Ying Li, Kyu-Hong Hwang

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to address two significant concepts, Prototypicality and Markedness, in the studies of the categorization of the English passive system, and holds that there always exists vagueness at the category boundary and that the category is gradient. It proposes that the category passive, starting from the prototype of the unmarked form of the agentful true passive, extends in a chained way of concatenation to the less peripheral and less marked form of the get-passive. The category is then said to expand in the way of radiation to more peripheral, untypical and marked forms of the causative passive and to the [Be+V-able] construction and finally spreads to the most peripheral and marked form of the [V1+V2-ing] construction. It is also suggested that great importance should be attached to prototypical and unmarked cases of passives, and at the same time, peripheral and marked passives should not be neglected. Only by doing so can we understand the passive system in English comprehensively.


1. Introduction
2. An Overview of the Prototype Theory and the Markedness Theory
2.1. The Prototype Theory
2.2. The Markedness Theory
3. General Properties of the Prototypical Passive and the Different Status of Get-Passives and Causative Passives
3.1. General Properties of the Prototypical Passive
3.2. Properties of Get- and Causative Passives
4. The Properties of the [Be+V-able] Construction and the [V1+V2-ing] Construction
4.1. The [Be+V-able] Construction and Its Properties
4.2. The [V1+V2-ing] Construction and Its Properties
5. Conclusion


  • Jing Ying Li Dong-A University/Graduate Student
  • Kyu-Hong Hwang Kyu-Hong Hwang/Dong-A University/Professor


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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