

Scrambling and Quantifiers : An Agreement-based Analysis


Namkil Kang, Wahn Nam

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The main goal of this paper is to provide an agreement-based analysis of scrambling that occurs with quantifiers. This paper argues that the probe-goal agreement analysis has advantages over the traditional Binding Theory. With respect to clause-internal scrambling, after QR, an operator c-commands its bindee at LF and it allows reconstruction. In the case of clause-external scrambling, a QP does not c-command its bindee at PF and after QR, an operator c-commands its bindee at LF. In addition, clause-external scrambling allows reconstruction. With regard to clausal scrambling, a QP does not c-command its bindee at PF and after QR, an operator c-commands its bindee at LF. In addition, clausal scrambling allows reconstruction. In this paper, the possibility of eliminating reconstruction in A’-binding has been explored. In order to eliminate reconstruction, we propose the A’-binding principle that an anaphor A or a pronoun P is licensed by an operator O only if the operator O or its trace c-commands A or P at LF. There are tangible reasons to argue for this claim.


1. Introduction
2. The Advantages of an Agreement-based Approach
3. Scrambling
3.1. Clause-Internal Scrambling
3.2. Clause-External Scrambling
3.3. Clausal Scrambling
4. Eliminating Reconstruction
5. Conclusion


  • Namkil Kang Namkil Kang/Far East Univesity/Professor
  • Wahn Nam Wahn Nam/Shingyeong University/Professor


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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