A Case Study on the Translation of a Licensed Musical : Problems Identified and Suggestions Offered through Translators’ Participation in the Production of “Urinetown”.
This case study aims to identify the problems in the translation of the licensed musical “Urinetown” and offer suggestions while discussing the roles the translators played during the production of the musical. The researcher and two students in the Department of Interpretation and Translation of Keimyung University – one in the master’s program and the other in the doctoral program - participated as translators in the production of the musical “Urinetown” by the School of Music and Performing Arts at the university in preparation for a nationwide musical contest. The translation team joined the musical company for the table read, and the two sides worked together in the following processes - sitzprobe, scene-by-scene exercise, dry-run exercise, and dress rehearsal - and discovered numerous mistranslations and translatese in the musical script that could cause difficulty for the audience in properly interpreting and understanding the musical. In addition to mismatches between accents and keywords in the lyrics of songs, the translation team also found that the humor intended through the characters’ symbolic names, mismatches between the characters’ names and appearances and the parodies of well-known classic literature and musicals were not effectively delivered.
1. 서론
2. 뮤지컬 <유린타운>
3. 뮤지컬 <유린타운> 제작 참여: 제작 과정 및 번역자 역할
4. 뮤지컬 번역의 문제점
4.1. 오역 및 작품 전반에 사용된 용어의 불일치
4.2. 번역투
4.3. 멜로디와 가사 불합치
4.4. 등장인물 이름, 말장난, 패러디를 통한 유머 효과 전달 실패
6. 결론