A Study of the Utilization of Under-used Properties in Old Hillside Residential Area - Focused on the Utilization based on the Urban Tissue Analysis -
The purpose of this study is to analyze under-used properties in the old hillside residential area in terms of the urban tissues like building, plot, street and block. This study suggests 4 stages of analysis as following. First, this study draws the spatial decline index of urban tissue from the related laws, as construction year over 20 years, unauthorized house, undersized plot, plot without adjoining road, and plot with slope over 15°. Second, based upon the spatial decline index, this study analyzes the urban tissue elements of 7 dong residential areas surrounding old downtown in Busan. Third, this study tries to analyze and the negative impacts of urban tissue elements which are relevant with vacant space. Fourth, based on the analysis of the negative impacts of urban tissue elements, his study proposes the utilization methods of under-used properties through policy improvement and relaxation of legal regulation.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2 연구의 범위 및 방법
2. 이론적 고찰
2.1. 노후경사주거지의 도시조직이론 적용방안 고찰
2.2. 공간적 쇠퇴의 분석지표 설정
3. 노후 경사주거지 쇠퇴와 도시조직 분석
3.1. 대상지의 쇠퇴현황
3.2. 도시조직 구성요소 분석
4. 노후 경사주거지 유휴공간의 도시조직 분석
4.1. 건축물의 공간적 쇠퇴 : 노후건축물과 무허가건축물
4.2. 필지의 공간적 쇠퇴 1: 과소필지와 미접도 필지
4.3. 필지의 공간적 쇠퇴 2 : 필지의 경사특성
4.4. 필지의 공간적 쇠퇴 3 : 필지의 소유특성
5. 유휴공간 활용방안 고찰 및 제언
5.1. 건축법 관련 유휴공간 활용방안
5.2. 무허가건축물의 유휴공간 활용방안
5.3. 필지 특성에 따른 유휴공간 활용방안
6. 결론