

예천지역 뜰집의 조성과정에 관한 연구


A Study on the Constructing Process of the Ddeulzip in Yecheon Area


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to analyze the constructing process of the Ddeulzip in Yecheon, which is located in the north west side of Andong. The Ddeulzip is a kind of noble house belonging to the Chosun Dynasty in the Andong cultural area. The constructing process of various branched families into the local village is largely divided into three time periods. They are divided into the Early(15~16C), Middle(17~18C) and Late(19~20C) periods. There are various reasons for the migration of many branched families into the local village of Andong and these include : political escape, war, shelter, and fengshui. As time progressed, these branched families were connected by study and marriage relationships. During the Early Period, six houses of the Ddeulzip were built by five familys. At the Middle Period, different families built seven houses of Ddeulzips. At the Late Period, most of branched families built eleven houses of the Ddeulzip constantly. Thus, at the area of Yecheon, they maintained the traditional noble culture of house by the Ddeulzip.


1. 서론
1.1 연구배경 및 목적
1.2 연구방법 및 대상
2. 예천지역의 환경
2.1 예천지역의 자연 환경
2.2 예천지역의 인문 환경
3. 예천지역 문중의 입향과 분파 과정
3.1 안동권씨(3호, 용문면 저곡리, 예천읍 상동리)
3.2 예천권씨(2호, 용문면 죽림리, 용문면 하금2리)
3.3 의성김씨(2호, 용문면 구계리, 용문면 상금곡리)
3.4 함양박씨(6호, 용문면 상금곡리, 용문면 대제리)
3.5 파평윤씨(3호, 지보면 신풍리, 예천읍 청복리)
3.6 원주변씨(2호, 용문면 상금곡리)
3.7 진성이씨(2호, 호명면 백송리)
3.8 동래정씨(4호, 풍양면 우망리, 풍양면 청곡리)
4. 예천지역 문중의 입향과 분파의 특징
4.1 입향의 특징
4.2 분파의 특징
5. 예천지역 문중간의 학맥과 혼맥
5.1 문중간의 학맥(學脈)
5.2. 문중간의 혼맥(婚脈)
6. 예천지역 뜰집의 시대별 조성과정
6.1 전기(前期, 15~16C)의 뜰집 조성과정(6호)
6.2 중기(中期, 17~18C)의 뜰집 조성과정(7호)
6.3 후기(後期, 19~20C)의 뜰집 조성과정
6.4 예천지역 뜰집의 조성과정의 특징
7. 결론


  • 김화봉 Kim, Hwa-Bong. 경남과학기술대학교 건축학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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