무릎 통증을 위한 신개념 고주파 치료기의 이용 가능성 고찰 : 연령대별 임상학적 특징 및 수요도와 사용 만족도 조사를 중심으로
Purpose: This study investigated the feasibility of the newly-developed high-frequency stimulation based on investigation of clinical characteristics, user needs and usage satisfaction according to age groups. Methods: Thirty participants with knee pain were participated in the study. Each participant received the high-frequency stimulation over both knees over three times a week during a total of two weeks. We investigated each participants’ clinical characteristics, user needs and post-intervention usage satisfaction by newly modified questionnaires. Results: As a result, 93.3% of participants wanted to receive the home-based management using the highfrequency stimulation and more than 60% of participants experienced the pain relief after 2-week intervention period. The twenties and thirties reported the largest satisfaction scores (3.722±0.575) after the intervention than other age groups. Conclusion: We conclude that the high-frequency stimulation over both knee is feasible to reduce the knee pain as a home-based pain management tool, especially for the younger.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구 방법
1. 조사 대상
2. 고주파 중재
3. 설문지 제작 및 연구 흐름
4. 통계 처리
Ⅲ. 연구 결과
1. 고주파 치료기에 대한 제품 수요도
2. 연령대별 무릎통증 임상학적 양상 및 심리적 특성
3. 고주파 치료 중재 후 제품 만족도 및 통증 완화정도
Ⅳ. 고찰
Ⅴ. 결론
감사의 글