

Research Article

표고 톱밥배지에서 분리한 배양 진균의 다양성 분석


Diversity analysis of culture-dependent fungal species isolated from the sawdust media of Lentinula edodes

김민근, 심순애, 최시림, 홍광표

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study was conducted to investigate the diversity of culture-dependent fungal species in the sawdust media of Lentinula edodes. A total of 405 fungi were isolated from the specimens and identified to belong to 24 genera and 42 species. Among the identified 42 species of fungi, 26.2% belonged to Penicillium sp., 9.5% belonged to Trichoderma sp., and 64.3% belonged to others. Especially, Trichoderma harzianum, which is a causal agent of fungal disease in mushroom, was found on all the farms, and showed the highest frequency among the identified fungi. Community analysis showed that the fungal diversity patterns of the samples were similar to each farm and many kinds of fungi existed in the sawdust media at high levels. These results showed that the management of internal environments would be required for the stable cultivation of Lentinula edodes.


서 론
재료 및 방법
시료채집 및 순수분리
Genomic DNA의 추출 및 polymerase chain reaction(PCR) 반응
ITS염기 서열 분석 및 다양성 분석
표고 톱밥배지 유래 분리된 곰팡이들 간의 계통분석
결과 및 고찰
표고 톱밥배지 유래 진균 분리 및 계통분석
분리 진균의 다양성 분석 및 특성
적 요


  • 김민근 Min-Keun Kim. 경상남도농업기술원 환경농업연구과
  • 심순애 Soon-Ae Sim. 경상남도농업기술원 환경농업연구과
  • 최시림 Si-Lim Choi. 경상남도농업기술원 환경농업연구과
  • 홍광표 Kwang-Pyo Hong. 경상남도농업기술원 환경농업연구과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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