Current Status and Problems in Intermediate writing classes in Korean universities -Focusing on classes of nonnative speaker teachers-
The purpose of this research is to clarify the current status of writing classes in Korean universities. For that purpose, a questionnaire survey was conducted for nonnative speaker teachers, and then analyzed qualitatively. As a result, the items targeted by most teachers in intermediate writing classes were “learn intermediate-level sentence patterns”, “enable to write sentences of various themes”, “learn about composition of sentences and paragraphs”, “learn Intermediate Vocabulary”. In the classes, problems such as “many students feel a burden of writing”, “many students are not used to create long sentences”, “many students cannot construct sentences” was. To solve the problem, the teacher used nerve to “teach according to the level of each person” and “selection of the theme of writing”. The current state of intermediate composition writing class has a big difference between learning content and student level, and it is a class that it is difficult to achieve even if the teacher gives a learning objective suitable for subjects of intermediate level composition. Therefore, measures to solve problems, such as establishment of writing subjects that play a role as a bridge from elementary level to intermediate level, and implementation of team teaching, are considered to be necessary.
2. 先行研究
2.1 NTにおける授業の現況
2.2 NTのビリーフとストラテジー
3. 調査の対象と方法
4. 調査の結果
4.1 授業の形態
4.2 授業の現況
4.2.1 授業の目標と流れ
4.2.2 授業における問題と工夫
4.2.3 使用教材
4.2.4 NNTとして長所を生かせる点と教えにくい点
4.3 結果の考察
5. おわりに