A Study on the korean Trade in Value Added : Focucing on Service Industry
This study classified the service industry more practical and conducted comparative analysis for international competitiveness of major service industries using TSI, RCA, F&H, and so on. In addition, the determinants of service trade were derived using the Country Sophistication Index and the Service Trade Restrictiveness Index. As a result of analyzing the international competitiveness of themajor countries which occupy high trade volume with Korea usingWIODdata from2005 to 2014, this study found that export volume of service of the advanced countries such as EU, theUnitedStates, and so forth is larger and TSI, RCA and F&H indicated that it has comparative advantage. This study tried to analyze the effect on export calculating Country Sophistication Index through Kwan'smethodology. According to the results, Country Sophistication Index had a positive effect on the overall industry, manufacturing, and service industries. This study has some implications; First, Korea in a economic crisis should restructure the industrial structure into increasing the proportion of the service industry in order to achieve sustainable economic growth in the future. Second, it is necessary to consider counter-measures for the Sophistication of service industry.
본연구에서는서비스산업을보다실용적인체계로분류하였고, TSI, RCA, F&H등을이용하 여주요국의서비스산업국제경쟁력을비교분석하였다.또한,고급화지수,서비스무역제한지수 등을이용하여서비스무역결정요인을도출하였다. 2005~2014년까지WIOD데이터를이용 하여한국과교역액이많은주요국의국제경쟁력을분석한결과EU, 미국등주로선진국들의 서비스수출액이높았고, TSI, RCA, F&H모두비교우위에있는것으로나타났다. Kwan의 방법론으로고급화지수를계산하여수출에미친영향을분석하였다.분석결과고급화지수는전체 산업,제조업,서비스산업모두에(+)영향을미쳤으며,서비스유형별분석에서도유통,생산자, 사회,개인서비스모두에(+)영향을미쳤다.이러한연구결과는경기침체의위기에놓여있는 한국이앞으로지속적인경제성장을하기위해서는서비스업의비중을높이는방향으로산업구조 를재편해야하고, 서비스업의고급화를위한방안을강구해야한다는시사점을준다.
I. 서론
Ⅱ. 선행 연구
Ⅲ. 주요국의 최근 동향
Ⅳ. 실증분석
Ⅴ. 결론 및 시사점