

A History of Vietnam’s Integration in Modern Times : The Case of Franco-Chinese Conflict over the Sino-Tonkinese Border (1885-1895)


Nguyen Thi Hanh

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Investigating the clash among different forms of international relations has been a frequent issue in modern research and attracts interest in the fields of history and politics. In the nineteenth-century, Asia witnessed a fierce struggle between traditional relations in Asia that existed during the feudal period, that of "The Heavenly Dynasty, China and its vassal states"; and a the new form of relations introduced by the West, that of relations between "colonial powers and colonized countries." As a result, the formation of "colonial societies" in Asia with very specific features was established. However, as stated by Vu (2015), for many reasons, which include the lack of material resources, the politically sensitive nature of the object, and the focus on gains and losses in previous studies, there were little studies on the process of demarcating the Tonkinese border between Franco and Chinese in Vietnam, especially from a globalization perspective. This study thus aims at examining the issue of the demarcation of the Tonkinese Border between Franco and Chinese (1885-1895), in view of globalization, as a case study for the transition process of the modern history of Vietnamese society.


[ Abstract ]
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. The concept of “national power” and “border” in the modern era
2.1. The concept of “national power” and “border” in the modern era of France
2.2. The concept of “national power” and “border” in modern China
Ⅲ. The Case of Franco-Chinese Conflict over the Sino-Tonkinese Border (1885-1895)
3.1. The Treaty of Tianjin in 1885 and the demarcation of Tonkinese border between the French and Chinese
3.2. Disagreements arising from the demarcation process
Ⅳ. Conclusion


  • Nguyen Thi Hanh Associate Professor, International Politics and Diplomatic Studies, Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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