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Establishment of Selection Method for Cold-Tolerant Individuals through Evaluating Tolerance of Evergreen Quercus spp. against Cold Stress



This study was carried out to establish an efficient selection condition for cold-tolerant individuals among evergreen Quercus spp. To select higher cold-tolerant individuals among four species of evergreen Quercus spp. (Q. acuta, Q. glauca, Q. myrsinaefoila, and Q. salicina), an-year-old seedlings of each species were exposed to low temperature in serial, and then examined for the death of cell tissue and the surface temperature was monitored. It was shown that the higher numbers of seedlings of Q. myrsinaefolia were survived than the others when those seedlings are exposed to cold stress. Thus, selection of the cold tolerant individuals was conducted on Q. myrsinaefolia seedlings. The limit low temperature condition for selecting cold-tolerant individuals was -6°C for 24 hrs because no seedling of Q. myrsinaefolia was survived after exposed to -7°C for 24 hours. It was shown that the leaf surface temperature of the selected individuals was higher than those of the non-selected individuals when they were exposed to cold-stress while monitoring them using thermal graphic camera. The results in this study can be used for expanding afforestation area of tree species of the warm temperate zone for preparation of climate change.


Materials and Methods
Plant materials
Cold stress treatment
Evan’s blue staining assay for measuring of dead tissue
Leaf surface temperature monitoring
Selection of cold stress tolerant evergreen Quercus spp.
Statistical analysis
Results and Discussion
Evaluating cold-tolerance of four species of evergreen Quercus arbor
Establishment of condition for cold-tolerant Q. myrsinaefolia
Selection cold-tolerant Q. myrsinaefolia individuals and their feature under cold shock


  • DongJIn Park Department of Seed and Seedling Management, National Forest Seed and Variety Center, Chungju 27495, Republic of Korea
  • Seong Hyeon Yong Division of Environmental Forest Science, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 52828, Republic of Korea
  • Myung Suk Choi Division of Environmental Forest Science, Gyeongsang National University, Institute of Agriculture and Life Science, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 52828, Republic of Korea


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