

A Study on the Actual Utilization Status of Public Cremation Facilities in Each Metropolitan City by Citizens in the Jurisdiction Area and out of the Jurisdiction Area with the Use of e-Haneul Funeral Information System




We are based on the results of this study, the policy measures for improving the efficiency of supply & demand policy of public cremation facilities in six metropolitan cities in the whole nation could be suggested as follows. First, when the utilization rate of public cremation facilities by citizents out of the jurisdiction area was lower, the overall demand for cremation was high. Therefore, the supply & demand policy of public cremation facilities should be carried forward by preferentially focusing on Busan Metropolitan City(4.1%) and Daegu Metropolitan City(17.9%) with low utilization rate by citizens out of the jurisdiction area. Second, the utilization variance of public cremation facilities in the whole six metropolitan cities in the whole nation, was insignificant(1.4%). Therefore, for the efficiency of supply & demand policy of cremation facilities in those six metropolitan cities, the customized-policies considering the characteristics of each metropolitan city should be carried forward in priority. Third, on the basis of 2018, the population size of those six metropolitan cities in the whole nation is from minimum 1.15million to maximum 3.39million as a large city, and relatively, they are facing many difficulties in the expansion for supply & demand of cremation facilities. Therefore, for the smooth construction of cremation facilities, it would be necessary to enforce policies that could disperse the demand for cremation through the joint construction of cremation facilities with other local governments close to each metropolitan city.


1. Introduction
2. Current Status of Public Cremation Facilities in Each Metropolitan City
3. The Actual Utilization Status of Public Cremation Facilities by citizens in theJurisdiction Area and out of the Jurisdiction Area with the Use of e-HaneulFuneral Information System in Each Metropolitan City
3.1 Incheon Metropolitan CityDuring the period from 2013 to
3.2 Busan Metropolitan City
3.3 Daegu Metropolitan City
3.4 Daejeon Metropolitan City
3.5 Gwangju Metropolitan City
3.6 Ulsan Metropolitan City
4. Comprehensive Results of Comparative Analysis in Each Metropolitan City
4.1 Utilization Rate of Citizens in the Jurisdiction Area and out of the Jurisdiction Area in Each Year
4.2 Annual Average Utilization Rate of Citizens in the Jurisdiction Area and out of the Jurisdiction
5. Conclusion


  • Jae-sil Choi Professor, Department of Mortuary Science, Eulji University, Korea
  • Jeong-lae Kim Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Eulji University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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