


Bunker-C유를 사용하는 보일러버너에 적용한 유화연료유의 질소산화물(NOx) 저감 효과에 관한 실험적 연구


An Experimental Study on the NOx Reduction of Emulsified Oil Applied to Boiler-Burner Using Bunker-C Oil

이태호, 이지근

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recently air pollution is becoming a global environment issue. Especially, the smoke from engines and boiler systems, which burn fossil fuels directly, is an extremely serious issue. For this reason, IMO is tightening regulations for the control of NOx and SOx. Therefore, in this study, the NOx reduction effect of emulsified oil mixed with 10% of water was tested after applying the emulsified oil to an industrial boiler burner using Bunker-C oil. The study showed that the exhaust gas oxygen concentration of emulsified oil was nearly 1.3% high and this was identified by the effect of dissolved oxygen contained in water. Also, based on the standard oxygen concentration(4%), the average and maximum NOx reduction rates were 28.53% and 30.23% respectively, which means the reduction efficiency was very high.


1. 서론
2. 실험장치 및 실험방법
2.1 실험장치
2.2 실험방법
3. 실험 결과
3.1 질소산화물(NOx)
3.2 배기가스 함산소 농도(O2)
3.3 표준산소농도기준 적용 질소산화물(NOx)
4. 결론


  • 이태호 Tae-Ho Lee. Assistant Professor, Dept. of Power Plant, Mokpo Campus of Korea Polytechnic Colleges
  • 이지근 Jee-Keun Lee. Member, Professor, Mechanical System Engineering, Chonbuk National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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