


상염색체 단일염기다형성 분석을 이용한 한국전쟁 전사자 가족관계 분석 및 우도비 향상 사례


Autosomal single nucleotide polymorphisms-based inference of relatedness between missing casualties and their alleged relatives

김양섭, 박정현

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



DNA profiles obtained from skeletal samples of Korean War victims are put into a database for random matching and kinship analysis to confirm the relationship between missing casualties and their alleged relatives. It has been reported that the problem of the possibility of erroneous match between unrelated people became significant especially with growth of the number of genotypes in A-STR database. To solve the problem related to high false positive rates, higher kinship index threshold is required. However, use of high kinship index threshold results in extremely high false negative rate. Therefore, the use of increased number of autosomal markers with minimal kinship index threshold is recommended. Highly effective massively parallel SNP genotyping platforms using microarray technology were developed and have been used in various human population studies. We adopted resequencing microarray platform to apply autosomal SNP markers to inference of relatedness between missing casualties and their alleged relatives. Autosomal SNP markers analyzed using resequencing microarray platform showed remarkably higher likelihood ratios than 23 autosomal STR markers in kinship analysis of first to third degree of relatedness. Our results demonstrate that autosomal SNP markers hold great promise for identification of missing casualties.


I. 서론
II. 재료 및 방법
2.1 시료
2.2 DNA 추출
2.3 DNA 정량
2.4 PCR 및 STR 유전자형 분석
2.5 A-SNP 유전자형 분석
2.6 가족관계 분석
III. 결과
3.1 유전자분석 성공률
3.2 남매관계 분석 사례
3.3 삼촌-조카관계 분석 사례
3.4 사촌관계 분석 사례
IV. 고찰
V. 참고문헌


  • 김양섭 Yangseop Kim. 국방부조사본부 과학수사연구소 유전자과
  • 박정현 Jung-Hyun Park. 국방부조사본부 과학수사연구소 유전자과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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