

Mobile Guidance System for Evacuation based on Wi-Fi System and Node Architecture


Timalsina Raju, Woo Sung Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recently great loss of life and property is occurring because of fire, natural disaster, earth quake, tsunami and so on. People spend 80~90% of their time indoor environment like office, supermarket, campus. Therefore Indoor navigation and guidelines system became so essential for most of all. Incase of emergency we must be careful earlier, in such a cases 5G kind of new technology may also cannot work. So immediate action and quick routing notification for guidelines and protection is the most. Considering this issue We proposed indoor evacuating guidance system based on microcontroller Wi-Fi board for Indoor APP using mobile. Focusing various kind of technology like, ok google, voice search APP we purposed node architecture based system. When we listen fire alarm while living inside the room. Then to be safe we connect with server and start Arduino UNO+IoT ESP8266 Wi-Fi shield version1-IoT module to store data in MySQL DB server. We make application to escape out from the building up-to the three exits giving information from source point to destination. Our program can send information to the users emergency location and situations. For this when the user get sound or vibration in their mobile device it indicate fire out near by. At that time we update message from Arduino to DB server for the fixed current position inside the building which give routing signal for that fire out location by changing values from 0 to 1. We have user in point 10 where user is near by. Later we detect Wi-Fi signal form Nodemcu as room of each floor and try to connect with user. Main purpose of this paper is to save life of people in short time and find out the shortest path up to nearest exits in the time of emergencies and rescue them.


1. Introduction
2. Indoor Fire Location
2.1 Research Status
2.2 Fire Location Detection
2.3 User Location Detection
3. Fire Detection and Evacuation Guidance
3.1 Fire Location Detection and Database Server Implementation
3.2 Wi-Fi Access Point(AP) Detection to Find Detailed Location
3.3 Shortest Path Algorithm Using Direction Matrix
4. Implementation of Arrow Guidance System Application
3. Result and Conclusion


  • Timalsina Raju Ph.D Student Dept. of Computer Engineering Hoseo University
  • Woo Sung Kim Professor, Dept. of Computer Engineering, School of Science and Technology


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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