

AI vs. Human : The Effect of Artificial Intelligence-Based Mobile Interventions on Health Behavior Change



The transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is fundamentally reshaping the healthcare landscape. However, much less is known about how individual users perceive AI-based mobile health interventions. Motivated by such gaps, this study aims to identify (1) the effect of AI interventions on health behavior change, (2) whether AI interventions are as effective as human interventions, and (3) how we can improve the effectiveness of AI interventions with human, reliability, or transparency-related features. Result suggested that while AI intervention effectively improves the achievement rate of health behavior change, it is significantly less effective than Human intervention. The result also shows that users exhibit the highest achievement rate when they receive Human-AI intervention. Regarding the effect of reliability and transparency features on users’ health behavior change, AI-Transparency intervention exhibits a significantly higher achievement rate compared to AI intervention while AI-Reliability intervention does not outperform AI intervention.




  • Nakyung Kyung Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
  • Hyeokkoo Eric Kwon Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
  • Sanghee Lim Johns Hopkins University

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