

번역 연구에서 웹 코퍼스의 유용성과 한계


The usefulness and disadvantages of the web as corpus in translation studies.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Translation studies research the cognitive and linguistic processes inherent in the reproduction of one language into another. To do so, they require the thorough observation of translation examples. Since the corpus, as a linguistic resource, contains many translation examples, researchers refer to a comparable or parallel corpus in order to clarify the principles of translation. However, the traditional corpora have some disadvantages because of their size and textual varieties. The Web as corpus is a new concept. It employs the Web as a collection of machine-readable and searchable authentic text. While such web pages are not a translation text in a strict sense, they can compensate for some of the defects of traditional corpora through their great number, their various languages and plentiful language cases, much of which cannot be found in small corpora. From this point of view, the Web as corpus, as a real-life language resource, is able to play a major role in the field of linguistics and translation studies.


I. 들어가는 말
II. 코퍼스 그리고 웹 코퍼스
1. 코퍼스에서 웹 코퍼스로
2. 웹 코퍼스
3. 웹 코퍼스 분석 도구
III. 전통적인 코퍼스와 웹 코퍼스 비교 분석
IV. 결론


  • 조준형 Cho, Joon-Hyung. 고려대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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