

슈퍼히어로 장르영화 자막번역의 상호텍스트성 - 팬들이 문제제기한 자막번역을 중심으로


Intertextuality in subtitle translation of superhero genre movies from English to Korean.

오정민, 김순영

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Controversy over subtitling has arisen more often in movies of the superhero genre. This paper assumes the controversy is due to the characteristics of superhero movies especially concerning intertextuality, which is the information and the knowledge collected through non-verbal elements such as universe (world-view: Marvel Universe, DC universe), franchise storytelling, and characters. Therefore, it is important to translate not only linguistic elements but also the interwoven relationships in the intertextuality. The paper examined the subtitles extracted from six superhero films that have been criticized for being mistranslated by the fandom. According to the analysis, most of the criticism was due to the incorrect reflection of non-verbal elements, that is, intertextuality, rather than the misinterpretation of the linguistic elements. The paper concluded that considering intertextuality is important in subtitle translation of superhero genre movies.


I. 들어가는 말
II. 이론적 배경
1. 상호텍스트성의 개념과 번역
2. 슈퍼히어로 장르영화의 상호텍스트성 번역
III. 연구방법
1. 분석대상 선정방법 및 작품들 간의 상호텍스트 관계 소개
2. 상호텍스트성에 관련된 자막번역 분석
IV. 분석결과
IV. 나가는 말


  • 오정민 Oh, Jung Min. 동국대학교-서울
  • 김순영 Kim, Soonyoung. 동국대학교-서울


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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