Meanings of Resilience Experienced by Low-income College Students in the Process of Career Development
This study aims to conduct an in-depth exploration of the essential meaning of resilience experienced by low-income college students in the process of career development. To achieve this goal, a longitudinal qualitative study was carried out, selecting five low-income class college students who could make extensive responses to the research questions as research participants and meeting them for more than two to three years. The collected data were analyzed by the descriptive phenomenological study method. As a result of the analysis, the research participants experienced resilience in the process of career development, like five parent components in total, including ‘Young dream of taking the first step, crouching’, ‘My circumstances which are a trap and motive power’, ‘College in which I learned the way of the world rather than career’, ‘Filling deficiency before dreaming’ and ‘Enduring to stand without anyone to lean on’ based on 15 sub-components. In addition, the research participants’ experience revealed its vivid meaning with the essential topic, ‘Crossing a stream on stepping-stones of dreams connected through abandonment and aspiration.’ Moreover, a comprehensive exploration of their experience tracked in the long-term was conducted again on the basis of temporal thickness, it was also found that there were continuous flow in their experience, such as ‘Footprints cultivated not variously’, ‘Balancing between hope and reality’ and ‘Adversity to get over, letting the desperate future precede.’ Lastly, based on the research results, several points of discussion were presented to help promote low-income class college students’ career development.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 문헌고찰
1. 저소득층 대학생들의 현실과 진로발달 실상
2. 진로발달 과정에서의 탄력성과 저소득층 지원
Ⅲ. 연구방법
1. 현상학적 연구
2. 연구참여자 선정
3. 자료수집 방법
4. 자료 분석 및 글쓰기 방법
5. 연구의 질 검증과 윤리적 고려
Ⅳ. 연구결과
1. 개별적 상황구조에 관한 진술
2. 구성요소 및 경험의 본질에 관한 진술
3. 일반적 구조에 관한 진술: ‘포기와 포부로 이어진꿈의 징검다리 건너기’
4. 연구참여자들의 경험에 관한 시간 차원의 탐구
Ⅴ. 결론