

논문 발표

브랜드 이미지 연상 키워드와 CF의 중요성에 관한 연구 (국내 로드샵 브랜드를 중심으로)


The Study on the Importance of Brand Image Associated Keywords and CF (With the Road Shop Brand in Korea)


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



As the beauty industry develops and the age at which cosmetics are exposed is reduced, The cosmetics industry is getting bigger. Lately, there's been a lot of growth in drugstores like Oliveyoung and Lohbs, By comparison, Roadshop has not maintained its former reputation. To address this phenomenon, most road shops are trying to secure brand identity. Companies are investing a lot of money to create a brand concept and image and also hire famous celebrities as brand models. However, there are also small and medium-sized brands that are difficult to select expensive celebrities for their advertising models. What these SMB brands need to do to promote their concept is not to use expensive celebrities as models, then very important to form an image and keyword to express their brand. Therefore, this paper analyzes how important the keywords and concepts of road shop brand are to the effect of road shop brand advertisement, The purpose of the project is to provide necessary data for the road shop industry and road shop marketing process of small and medium enterprises, and to contribute to the development of road shop industry.


I. 서론
II. 이론적 배경
1. 화장품 로드샵
2. 광고와 CF
3. 브랜드 연상과 키워드
III. 연구결과 및 고찰
1. 로드샵 브랜드 마케팅 분석
2. 로드샵 브랜드 컨셉과 키워드
IV. 결론 및 제언


  • 박지예 Ji-Ye Park. 동남보건대학교 뷰티케어과 학생


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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