

지난 20년간 '문화용어'에 대한 국내 통번역연구 고찰


Analysis of Domestic Translation and Interpretation Studies of Cultural Terms Over the Past Two Decades


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to analyze the perspectives which academic circles in translation and interpretation have had regarding cultural terms and to examine the directions they should move forward in future research. By analyzing studies posted in three domestic journals of translation and interpretation, including The Journal of Translation Studies , Journal of Interpretation and Translation Institute , and Interpretation and Translation, this study develops definitions of "cultural terms" and summaries research topics and methods. Cultural terms can be defined as "concept words related to human life or lifestyle," and each of their sub-components forms a specific terminology group. Studies on cultural terms are largely conducted in the direction of comparing source texts and target texts, analyzing translation methods, then presenting desirable translation strategies. Research topics are mostly composed of studies on literary works and on the outcomes of public sector translation. In most cases, translation strategies are proposed to make up for the asymmetry of cultural elements. The significance of the studies on cultural terms over the past two decades can be found in 1) identification of comprehensive categories of cultural terms and approach to components of cultural terms, 2) standardization of specific terminologies within macro cultural terms, 3) establishment and sharing of translation guidelines, even if partially, and 4) implementation of these guidelines in the form of online, open knowledge glossary. Future research should be conducted, first in the short term, in specific areas at the micro level focusing on impending issues. Seen from a macro perspective, however, problems of existing translation drafts will be analyzed. In this process, standards will be established and shared, which is expected to eventually bring a virtuous circle of spreading into business practice and education.


1. 서론
2. 문화와 통번역
3. 문화용어와 통번역
3.1. 문화용어란
3.2. 연구주제와 연구방법
3.3. 의미와 한계
3.4. 미래 방향
4. 결론
참고 사이트


  • 김혜림 Kim, Hye-Rim. 이화여자대학교 통역번역대학원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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