

“괜찮다”의 의미 항목에 관한 연구


A Study on the Meaningful Items of “Gwaenchanhda”


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Using a corpus of words, the present study verified the meanings of “Gwaenchanhda” in Korean language dictionaries, found additional meanings not discovered in the existing dictionaries and established the meanings. The existing studies with regard to “Gwaenchanhda” focus on the superficial phenomena of the communicative functions of “Gwaenchanhda”. In this respect, the present study aimed to find out the deep-rooted functions of the phrase that haven’t been discussed before and verify them with a corpus of words. In Chapter 1, this study pointed out the insufficiency of Korean language text book in teaching diverse “I’m fine” and its communicative functions, mentioned the necessity of studying about “Gwaenchanhda”. In Chapter 2, This study composed the corpuses of literary words and colloquial words by using morphologic corpuses of words (21st Century Sejong, Project), literary works, sitcoms and drama scripts to analyze a corpus of words of “Gwaenchanhda”. In Chapter 3, the new meanings of “Gwaenchanhda” obtained in the precious analysis were classified into 6 categories of meaning: “good”, “enough”, “proper”, “able”, “no matter” and “safe”. Those categorized meanings were attempted to know their discrimination through examining the difference of meaning and collocation.


1. 서론
1.1. 연구의 목적 및 필요성
1.2. 선행 연구
2. “괜찮다”의 의미 분석
2.1. 국어사전 및 교육용 사전 분석
2.2. 문어 및 구어 말뭉치 분석
3. “괜찮다”의 의미 항목
3.1. 의미 분류의 기준
3.2. 괜찮다”의 의미 항목 재정립
4. 결론


  • 조영보 Cho, Youngbo. 연세대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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