Teaching the Korean View of the Afterlife Found in the Media-With a Focus on the TV Series Guardian : The Lonely and Great God.
This study examined the traditional view of the afterlife in Korea and view of the afterlife portrayed in the TV series Guardian: The Lonely and Great God to identify educational content on the Korean view of the afterlife and present detailed teaching and learning methods using media content. Koreans have believed that the afterworld and the living world are connected under the law of causation and that they are distinguishable yet inseparable. This study identified the Korean view of the afterlife reproduced in Guardian: The Lonely and Great God as the afterlife as a horizontal world in relation to the living world, which could resolve the incompleteness in the living world through rewards and punishments, where one’s wishes could come true through incarnation, and a world which makes people realize the value of life. This study further presented the methods to teaching and learning the Korean view of the afterlife which was reproduced in the TV series Guardian: The Lonely and Great God by sharing opinions on the view of the afterlife through online chatrooms, through in-depth research on the view of the afterlife via online blogs and communities, and by expanding the view of the afterlife through relevant media.
1. 서론
1.1. 연구의필요성및목적
1.2. 연구대상과방법
2. 문헌에 나타난 저승의 모습과 개념
2.1. 문헌을통해본저승의모습
2.2. 저승의개념
3. 드라마 <쓸쓸하고 찬란하神도깨비>에 반영된 한국인의 저승관
3.1. 이승과수평적세계로서의저승
3.2. 보상과징계를통해이승의불완전성을해소해주는세계
3.3. 환생(幻生)을통한원(願)의성취를가능하게하는세계
3.4. 생명의가치를일깨우는세계
4. 미디어를 활용한 한국인의 저승관 교수·학습 방법
4.1. 채팅방을통한저승관에대한의견공유
4.2. 블로그나카페를활용한저승관의심화
4.3. 유사매체를활용한저승관개념의확장
5. 결론