A Study on Changes in Phonation Types of Plosives in Busan Dialect.
The purpose of the study is to observe the changes in phonation types of the plosives in Busan dialect. For this purpose, nine plosives (p, p ’, pʰ, t, t’, tʰ, k, k ’, kʰ) produced by 128 Busan dialect speakers (62 males and 66 females) in their 20s through 60s were collected, and the VOTs of the plosives and F0s of the following vowels were measured. Based on the values of VOTs and F0s, this study analyzes whether and how the phonation of plosives changed according to age and gender in Busan dialect. As a result, it was found that the phonation of plosives in Busan dialect changed from the traditional form that has one- or two-way F0 + three-way VOT to a transitional form that has three-way F0 + three-way VOT. Considering that the direction of change is similar to the chronological changes of the dialects of Seoul-Gyeonggi, the phonation type of the plosives of the Busan dialect is changing toward a “three-way F0 + two-way VOT”type, as is the pronunciation of the new generations in the Seoul-Gyeonggi dialects.
1. 서론
2. 한국어 파열음 체계의 발성 유형의 변화
2.1 한국어파열음체계의음운·음성학적특징
2.2 경상방언의파열음의실현양상
3. 연구 방법
3.1 피험자
3.2 연구절차
4. 결과 분석 및 논의
4.1 성별·연령대별VOT와F0 비교
4.2 평경격음 간 차이 분석
5. 논의
6. 결론