A Study on Multilateral International Development Cooperation using AIIB
AIIB(Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank) was established in 2016 with the aim of fostering sustainable economic development, creating wealth and improving infrastructure connectivity in Asia by investing in infrastructure and other productive sectors. This study forecasts the future direction of AIIB's business through review of AIIB’s business plan, sectoral strategy, infrastructure demand, and MDB’s private sector support policy. The main results of this study are as follows. First, according to the annual project plan, the proportion of self-conducting projects in the co-financing projects so far will increase, and the scale of support for private projects will gradually increase by increasing the proportion of non-sovereign financing. Second, depending on the sector-specific strategy, future investments are expected to concentrate on expanding power supply networks, improving energy access, supplying public housing, developing new towns and industrial complexes, and expanding road and rail networks. Third, it is expected that private sector's participation in the infrastructure development market will be promoted as a way to solve the infrastructure supply limitation by public funding.
1. 서론
1.1. 연구배경 및 목적
1.2. 연구내용 및 구성
2. 선행연구 고찰
3. AIIB 주요현황과 수행 프로젝트 분석
3.1. 일반현황
3.2. 프로젝트 수행현황
4. AIIB와 타 MDB와 협력관계 분석
4.1. MDB간 기본현황 비교
4.2. AIIB와 타 MDB간 협력 관계
5. 국제개발협력을 위한 AIIB 사업추진 방향
5.1. AIIB 사업부문별 전략방향
5.2. 아태 지역 인프라 수요 전망
5.3. MDB의 민관협력 정책
5.4. 향후 AIIB 사업추진 방향
6. 결론 및 제언