


국제개발협력 평가 방법 연구


A Study of Evaluation Method of International Development Cooperation : Focused on Quantitative Evaluation and Qualitative Evaluation


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to examines a evaluation of international development cooperation. We can approach evaluation of international development cooperation from many directions. It is necessary to examines all aspects of evaluation of international development cooperation, but that is beyond the scope of this study. This article was concerned with quantitative evaluation and qualitative evaluation. The concern with evaluation of international development cooperation has been growing. Quantitative data and qualitative data complement each other and would be best used together. But there is very little agreement that method. No doubt, there are many difficulties lying in the way of a improvement to evaluation of international development cooperation. It is very difficult, for both the theoretical and practical point of view. No matter how great increasement of international development cooperation fund and project, there is nothing so essential for the development effectiveness. The improvement of evaluation of international development cooperation shall be able to the SDGs. This study suggest several salient points for making policy direction for evaluation of international development cooperation as follows; ①understanding of indicators, ②gap analysis and close baseline study, ③data cleansing, ④qualitative data collection, ⑤ quantitative data collection, ⑥complementary measures between qualitative data and quantitative data, ⑦separation between endowment effect and residual effect.


1. 서론
2. 평가의 정의
2.1. 평가
2.2. 모니터링
3. 평가의 목적
4. 평가의 동향
5. 평가의 종류
5.1. OECD DAC의 평가 구분
5.2. 한국국제협력단의 평가 구분
6. 평가의 대상
7. OECD DAC의 평가
7.1. OECD DAC의 5대 평가기준
7.2. OECD DAC의 평가 지표
7.3. 바람직한 성과지표의 요소
8. 평가의 발전 방향
8.1. 지표의 성격 이해
8.2. 차이 분석과 정밀한 기초선 조사
8.3. 정량 자료 수집
8.4. 정성적 자료 수집
8.5. 데이터 클리닝
8.6. 정량 자료와 정성 자료의 보완 사용: 삼각법(Triangulation)
8.7. 특성효과와 잔차효과의 구분
9. 결론


  • 임형백 Lim, Hyung Baek. 성결대학교 국제개발협력학과 교수(단독저자)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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