


국제개발협력의 명분과 진화의 맥락


The Justification and Evolutionary Context of International Development Cooperation


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims at reviewing the justification and evolutionary context of international development cooperation from historical view points. In this line, this paper reviews the paradigm formation of international development cooperation through the social evolution perspective, the contents of modernization theory, the impacts of the Marshall Plan since 1948 and the United Nations expert report (1951). This article also looks at the results of a series of high-level meetings organized by the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) on the changing approach of international development cooperation. The results of the review are as follows. First, international development cooperation is justified in terms of maintaining the global economic order. In this light, international development cooperation has been derived from unfair trade practices and past colonial rule. Second, international development cooperation has been based on the sustainability of human civilization, which should be jointly responded altogether to climate change and other environmental crises. Third, international development cooperation is justified from a humanitarian standpoint. This humanitarian stance is also linked to the security guarantee of the international community, which defines human basic needs as universal welfare levels for mankind.


1. 들어가는 말
2. 국제개발협력의 접근논리
2.1. 국제개발협력의 의미와 유형
2.2. 국제개발협력의 구성체계: 현재화 및 현지화 관점
3. 국제개발협력의 패러다임 형성
3.1. 사회진화론 관점
3.2. 근대화 이론이 국제개발협력 패러다임 형성에 미친 영향
3.3. Marshall 계획이 국제개발협력 패러다임 형성에 미친 영향
3.4. 국제연합 전문가 보고서(1951)가 국제개발협력 패러다임 형성에 미친 영향
4. 국제개발협력 이행방식의 진화
4.1. 제1차 고위급회의(2003년 로마)
4.2. 제2차 고위급회의(2005년 파리)
4.3. 제3차 고위급회의(2008년 아크라)
4.4. 제4차 고위급회의(2011년 부산)
4.5. 제1차 GPEDC 멕시코 고위급 성명서
4.6. 제2차 GPEDC 나이로비 고위급 회의 합의문
4.7. 국제개발협력 이행방식의 진화
5. 맺는 말


  • 소진광 So, Jin Kwang. 가천대학교 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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