

결합재 및 사용수 변화에 따른 노후저수지 보강용약액주입공법 적용에 관한 연구


A Study on the Application of Chemical Grouting Method for Aging Reservoir Reinforce According to the Change of Binder and Using Water

송상훤, 서세관

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Chemical grouting method is mainly used for construction of dams and reservoirs, stabilization and reinforcement of slopes, reinforcement of soft grounds such as embankments, dredging and landfills, the order of earthquake response method, and the reinforcement of structures. Recently, it is widely applied in construction sites such as highways, airfields, high-speed railways, subsea facilities, port construction works, tunnels, and subway works. As such, the demand for grouting continues to increase. The development of the grouting method was focused on increasing the strength of the ground, and the development of the chemical additives, the injection device, and the stirring device were mainly performed. But ordinary portland cement used for grouting is a product that consumes natural resources such as limestone, generates a large amount of greenhouse gases, consumes a large amount of energy sources, and it is time to develop products and new methods to replace them. In this study, Ordinary Portland Cement and New Grouting Binder (circulating fluidized bed boiler fly and blast furnace slag) were compared and analyzed by the following test. Homo-gel strength and homo-gel time, water quality analysis of the water used and soil contamination process tests of homo-gel samples were performed. In the case of NGB, when Using water is used as the reservoir water, the strength measured smaller than that of the other water. However, it shows about 2.5 times greater than the homo-gel compressive strength applied to OPC (7-day, reservoir water), so there is no problem with water quality when applied.


1. 서론
2. 사용 결합재의 특성
2.1 순환자원 활용 그라우팅 결합재 및 시멘트의 특성
2.2 사용수의 특성
3. 실내시험
3.1 겔타임(Gel-time)측정시험
3.2 호모겔(Homo-gel) 압축강도 시험
4. 토양오염공정시험
5. 결론


  • 송상훤 Song, Sang-Hwon. 전주비전대학교 교수, 공학석사
  • 서세관 Seo, Se-Gwan. ㈜지안산업 연구소장, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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