

Session 7(소비자의 소비행복)

Understanding impulsive buying of fashion products



The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of personal characteristics, motivations for mobile shopping and mobile shopping chmateristics on impulsive buying behaviors of fashion products. This study examined appearance evaluation, appearacne orientation and self-depreciation as the personal characteristics, utilitarian expectancy and hednoic expectancy as the mobile shopping motivations, and personalization, ubiquity and security as the mobile shopping characteristics. While most reserachers have applied a single factor model to measure impulisve buying, this study applied Chang’s (2009) four domains to meausre the impulsive buying (i.e., provocative, reminder, affective, situational). According to the results of the multiple regression analysis, self-depreciation, appearance evaluation, appearance orientation, ubiquity and personalization were positively associated with the provocative impulsive buying. Utilitarian expectancy, ubiquity and appearance evaluation were positively assoicated with the reminder impulsive buying. Appearance evaluation, self-depreciation, hedonic expectancy and appearance orientation were positively associated with the affective impulsive buying. Finally, Apearance evaluation and self-depreciation were positively associated with situational impulsive buying. Based on these findings, implications were suggested and limitations were discussed.


  • Soo-Hyun Jun 전수현. Department of Tourism Management, Keimyung University
  • Choo-Hui Park Department of International Business, Keimyung University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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